aw ni baara

Hi there, me again!

We decided on an apartment and FINALLY have some solid ground beneath our feet! Now that we have an actual “permanent residence” we can get our drivers licenses and registration all switched over 😮‍💨

I had to apartment shop by myself and the whole time I just kept thinking “WHAT IF HE DOESN’TLIKE IT?!”😂

It’s the perfect little half way house for us though🥰 2bedrooms, fully renovated with an amazing clubhouse, gym and pool! Super friendly neighbors (the wife is a nurse also so win, win lol)

It’s only 15 minutes from our home so moving will be a breeze and we get to pop in and watch the process start to finish😌 

Seeing the house barely being built was amazing. All of the other new builds we looked at were complete so only being in framing makes it so much more real to me for some reason hahaha when I first stepped in it, it was ours and it was as rough as this whole process has been!

Being able to choose which features we want vs don’t want instead of “here you go” is an added sentimental value I was not expecting. I have always been in love with a bay window so naturally the master had to have one, upgraded appliances something as simple as the exterior look the house would have!

So excited!!!

Chat with us for free goodies🎁

Until next week,


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